Apparently, it’s eight years since we published City Baby. Eight years! Where did the time go? (note: that’s a rhetorical question, please don’t come back at us with some astrophysical explanation we can’t begin to understand. Thanks). It went on sale in June 2013, and it’s now on its fifth print run.
It’s our best-selling book. So far, anyway. If you don’t know about it, where have you been? Here’s an outline… It’s about how punk changed the life of one schoolboy from Birmingham, put him in a band with his mates, and how they toured the world for decades. It’s a rollercoaster of a read. It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you catch your breath, and gasp in disbelief, and possibly pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time. It’s that good. You’ll want to tell your friends about it. You may even want to buy them a copy, in which case (ahem) we can help.
It’s all about Ross Lomas of GBH. And it’s a great read. And it’s eight years since we published it. Wow.