every little helps

Xmas is coming. It’s the end of another year where prices keep creeping up, but wages haven’t. Making ends meet can be hard enough if you’ve got a job, all but impossible if you’re not earning, and we know too many people who’ve struggled to keep their head above water.
Now, until someone puts Ignite in charge of economic policy (and believe me when they do there’ll be a few changes, and George Osborne will be out of a job) we can’t do very much about that. But we have got bored of howling in rage at our computer, so we’ve decided to try and help your money go further when you’re looking for presents for friends. 
Normally, we’d hold our sale in January. That’s the quietest month for retailers, when everyone’s watching the pennies after the spending spree of Xmas and New Year, and it’s traditionally been our way of trying to brighten the grey days of winter. This year, we’re holding it now. For just £2.00 you can now buy a copy of Joolz Denby’s The Curious Mystery, or Steve Pottinger’s Kissing It All
That’s five books for a tenner. Which means you can pick up great stories, well told, at prices which won’t break the bank. If that makes it easier for you to manage the expense of Xmas, good. If it means you’ve a little money spare to send to organisations fighting Ebola, or homelessness, FGM or child poverty, all the better. 
Just please don’t spend it on that god-awful Band Aid 30 single.
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