good news

That title’s not entirely accurate. It should, really, read more good news. Because following on from the great reviews of City Baby on the Louder Than War website and in Sidewalk magazine, we’ve now had two more, in Record Collector magazine, and Vive Le Rock.
Record Collector gave it 4*, and described it as ‘compelling’. Vive Le Rock gave it 8/10, and said it was ‘absolutely captivating’. They also rather enjoyed the story behind the GBH song ‘Drugs Party in Room 526’… and why wouldn’t they? We’ll be posting up pictures of the reviews on our facebook page as soon as we’ve found time to scan them, but life’s kind of busy right now, so it may take a while. It’s been quite a job just finding time to write this blog…
Good things will come, however, to those who wait. And those who persevere. Nagging Amazon about their failure to list City Baby as ‘available’ finally paid off, and they got in touch to sort it out. No apology for the two weeks where they said it wasn’t released, of course, but at least they changed the book’s status. Now anyone can leave a review of it – here – and if you can be bothered to do so, we’d love it if you did. Having positive comments about a book does it no harm at all. And this book deserves all the recommendations it can get. And the sales. So, please, if you know someone who’d love a copy of this book, drop them a line and point them our way…
That’s it for today, folks. Short, sweet, and to the point. Now, back to the grindstone!
Enjoy your weekend!