It’s been just over three weeks since we got A Marvellous Party from the printers. We’re very pleased to say that – in those three weeks – with sales via our website and through author Ian Elmslie getting out and about with the book, we’ve already sold almost 200 copies of this our latest publication.
On top of that, we’ve had the first magazine review – a glowing, full-page spread – in Boyz. There’s been a meeting at Birmingham New St station to pass more boxes of books from publisher to author, while enjoying coffee and pastries. Ian has been invited to read from A Marvellous Party to an LGBT youth group in London, and exchanged stories of experiences.
All this, and we’ve only just begun. Thanks to each and every one of you who’ve bought a copy of this heartwarming book already. So much done, and there’s still two months till A Marvellous Party is officially published. Wow!