So, Ignite comes back from a week away on the south coast where we did our level best to make sure the local pub landlords manage to scratch some kind of living from selling beer, and are we refreshed and ready to get our nose back on the grindstone? Well, kind of. Outside, the sun is shining and summer’s having a last hurrah. So let’s get this blog written and get out there and enjoy it!
Firstly – again – thanks to everyone who came along to theCity Babylaunch in Brimingham, and John Robb’s interview with Ross at Rebellion Festival in Blackpool. They were two wonderful events, and we had a fantastic time. Thanks, too, to everyone who’s bought the book and then got in touch – by email or via Ross’s facebook page – to say how much they’ve enjoyed reading it. In a way it’s no surprise, because we believe Ross has written a great book which deserves the widest audience possible, but when you’re putting a lot of graft into running a small business like Ignite, that kind of feedback is invaluable, and a real shot in the arm. So thank you all.
Now, we’d like to ask you for your help.
Ignite is a small, independent publisher, with next to no advertising budget. We do everything we can to make a song and dance about our books – there’ll be reviews ofCity Babycoming out in various media over the next few weeks, and Ross will be on BBC WM chatting about it on September 2nd (more details soon) – but we need to do way, way more. As we’re sure you’ll agree, the book deserves it.
So, what we’re asking is that on September 2nd – the same day Ross is on the radio – you post aboutCity Babyon facebook, on twitter, on any social media you can. That you email your friends about it and tell them what they’re missing. Post a picture of the cover. Of the author. A link to the Ignite website. Or to this blog. Anything and everything you can think of or be bothered to do. We’d love to create a tsunami of publicity aboutCity Babyon that date, even if it’s a tsunami that only reaches to your knees.*
One more thing, while we’ve got your attention. We know Am**on are taking advance orders already. We’d rather you buy it from us. It costs you just about the same, but we see something for our work. When we have to supply Am**on, we barely cover the costs of printing a copy. Boring, but true. And we have other issues too, after our dealings with them in the past. If you want to know more, read one of our earlier blogs here.
Once again, thank you all for all your help. We couldn’t do this without you.
And now, we’re off outside to enjoy that sunshine.
* We’ll settle for some kind of cyber-ripple if we must. But nothing less.