winter words

It’s very festive at Ignite Villas right now. Not because we’ve festooned the place with decorations (we haven’t), and not because we’re busy wrapping presents (we’re not), but because yesterday’s snowfall has transported us from the oh-so-familiar West Midlands to somewhere wonderfully new, where nothing looks the same.

We’re looking at it all through the window, naturally, while munching mince pies and sipping a whiskey. Such is our devotion to our work, though, that we’re tearing ourselves away from that to inform you that Ian Elmslie has been (and is being) a very busy man.

On Monday, he’s one of the guest readers at the final Polari Literary Salon event of 2017, at the Southbank Centre in London. If you’re kicking around the big smoke, you really should make a beeline to the south side of the river and treat yourself to a ticket to this. All the details are here.

Sadly, we can’t be there as we’ve a prior commitment with a sizeable number of mince pies and a bottle of Baileys. We’ll be enjoying those as we listen to Ian’s new audio extracts from his book, which are now up on Youtube. They’re really something special. We haven’t worked out which our favourite is yet, but this one – about the day Ian met Armistead Maupin – has to be up there. Pour yourself a glass of something warming, and have a listen.

Enough of the humbug. Let’s have more of the ho ho ho.