You might not expect those to line up in one holy literary trinity, but we’d argue it’s long overdue. Now, thankfully, the wait is almost over. And that’s down to author Glyn Brown, whose brilliant memoir Dancing Barefoot we’ve been banging on about for months.
The book’s officially published next Tuesday (smarter than average bears will be aware that advance copies have been available via our online shop for some time) and in the run-up to that literary milestone Glyn has got herself a full page in today’s i newspaper, explaining how – when regular work dried up – she came to be a cat-sitter. (spoiler alert: emptying litter trays across south London is not a particularly glamorous job)

So, that’s cats. And newspapers. What about Deptford? Simple. One week today, on July 13, the London launch of Dancing Barefoot will be rocking the literary world in Triangle Bar in Deptford. Glyn will be in conversation with author Erica Wagner, talking – doubtless – about cat-sitting and tiger trainers, cycling and socialites, painters and pirates. There are rumours of a kazoo. If you live in London, get yourself down there. If you don’t live in London, plan a visit. This will be monumental, trust us. It’s one of those gigs everyone will claim to have been at later, one you really don’t want to miss. Cats, newspaper, Deptford. It’s all you need to know.