city baby

There’s an amazing amount of work goes into creating a book. The business of editing, typesetting, and designing a cover is – on its own – enough to eat up an incredible amount of time. On top of that, we foolishly decided that this time we’d insert some pages of photos into the book, which involved learning a whole new set of skills, and the tearing out of more hair than is advisable for men of a certain age. And all that came after the logistical challenge of getting two very busy people in the same place at the same time to write the book in the first place.
But now, it’s done. Or at least, our part is done. Now the printers are busy doing what printers do, and we’re looking forward to getting our grubby little mitts on our new publication once they’ve finished.
City Baby is the first autobiography we’ve published on Ignite. It’s the story of Ross Lomas, bass player with UK punk legends GBH for over thirty years, and it’s an incredible read. We’re hoping to arrange a launch event in Birmingham (which we’ll announce as soon as we’ve nailed it down) in mid-July, and Ross will be talking to John Robb about the book at this year’s Rebellion festival in Blackpool (you’ll find him on the literature stage on the friday afternoon) in August. That’s for starters. There may be more.
If everything goes to plan, we’ll have ‘City Baby’ with us by, say, the 10th July. You can order it now, and we’ll lob it in the post the moment the copies arrive. The official publication date is in October, so until then the Ignite shop is the only place to get your hands on the book, and – with postage – buying from us will cost you the same as if you buy from a bookshop, Amazon, or any other outlet. (If you live in the UK but don’t use Paypal, email us at and we’ll tell you how to pay by card.)
Outside, the sun is shining. After all our hard work getting this book ready, I think it’s time for a pint. Possibly two. Happy reading!
P.S. Make an old bass player very happy and pass on the link for this blog to anyone you know who’s going to want to hear about his book. Thanks!