
There’s no great secret to the way we run Ignite. It’s driven onward by an unholy trinity of hard work, enthusiasm, and unquenching desire to go where our curiosity leads. It may be that we’re missing a trick or two by failing to have some grand, over-arching master plan backed up by flow charts, reinforced by spreadsheets, and bolstered by greed, but so be it.
Don’t get us wrong. If world domination came knocking on the door, we’d let it in for a cup of tea, some Hobnobs and a natter, but we’d draw the line at adopting flow charts, spreadsheets, greed, and marketing double-speak. Because the truth is, from day one we’ve had way too much fun following our nose. And we really aren’t going to change. Old dogs, new tricks, and all that.
You see, in our experience one thing always leads to another. And we revel in having no real idea what that next thing’s going to be. It gives us the freedom, as a small press, to do whatever we want. We publish a book by one person. That brings us to the attention of another, who recommends us to a third, who sends us their manuscript, or mentions us to someone they know who wants our books in their shop, or would like us at their festival. And this leads to someone else coming up and saying Well, I’ve got this story…. And the whole process starts all over again. 
The only constant in all our work, in all our authors, and in all their writing, is that we want to find enthralling stories, well-crafted and beautifully told, and to put these stories before an audience. We want to build a reputation for publishing books which people can’t put down. All our books so far have done exactly that. 
We’re confident that our next book will do the same.
And we’ll tell you more about that very soon.