louder than words

This time next week, we’ll be in Manchester city centre, at the Louder Than Words festival in the prestigious Palace hotel. It promises to be a great weekend – if you take a look at their programme of events there’s bound to be something to whet your appetite. It’s three days packed with music, talks, lectures, conversations, and book signings. If you’ve any interest at all in this side of the music biz, this festival is the place to be.
We’re there to showcase our wonderful books and our talented authors, but we should also give you fair warning that we may have to slip away from our stall – it’ll be in the Buckingham Suite of the hotel, since you ask – every now and then to mingle with the audience in other parts of the festival (how could we not want to listen to Si Denbigh talk about Goth, or watch Steve Ignorant talk about life on the lifeboat?)
We’ll have copies of all our books with us. The last few copies of Dave Barbarossa’s Mud Sharks. The third print run of City Baby. Books by Joolz, and poetry by Steve Pottinger. And all of them will be at unbeatable prices. Most will be roughly one-third off the cover price, and – what with Xmas coming up – a couple of them will be on very special offer. Those of you looking for any stocking fillers, or after cheap and cheerful presents for the readers in your life will – hopefully – find something there that takes your fancy.
Above all, though, we’re looking forward to catching up with old friends, meeting people who run other small presses and sharing our hard-gained wisdom and our experiences, and having a bit of a laugh. If you’re there, pop by and say hallo. We’re always up for a natter and a chinwag.
See you there!