no holds barred

There’s one thing that connects all the Ignite titles, however disparate and scattergun they may seem to be at first glance. Every last one of them is an example of consummate storytelling from authors who might otherwise lack a platform. Whether you’re tempted to pick up a copy of our best-seller City Baby or this year’s wunderkind Dancing Barefoot by Glyn Brown, you’ll be guaranteed great writing from a unique and distinctive voice.

Which is why we’re delighted to add another book to our roster: Scrubber. This is the memoir of wrestling legend Scrubber Daly, one of the stars of ITV’s World of Sport, and the only wrestler of his generation who’s still climbing into the ring in the third decade of the 21st century. It’s a larger-than-life, no-holds-barred story, and one hell of a read.

It’s also why we spent last night launching the book at a wrestling event in a Black Country town, with Scrubber taking time – once he’d completed (and won) his tag match with partner Mad Dog Maxx – to talk about the book, give insights into his life as a wrestler, and sign copies of Scrubber for anyone who bought one. One day, all book launches will come close to being that much fun.

This book is currently flying off our shelves. We recommend you get yourself a copy, and find out why.