partying on!

Life as a small, independent publisher can be tricky. It’s a hand-to-mouth existence where the success or failure of our titles can really impact on our work. So you’ll excuse us for making a song and dance (with some suitably up-tempo tunes playing in the kitchen) about the fact that our first print run of A Marvellous Party has completely sold out!

It’s incredibly satisfying to see a book by a first-time author on a small press make such an impact. We’re very proud that A Marvellous Party was longlisted for the Polari Prize, prouder still of the feedback we’ve had from readers who’ve identified with Ian Elmslie’s story, and absolutely over the moon that he chose to send the money from the sales of the last few copies to the Food Chain to support their valuable work.

We’ve spent the last week or two discussing with Ian what we do next, and we’re very happy to announce that a second print run of A Marvellous Party is on its way. We hope to have it in stock again by the end of the first week of December, but you can order it through our online shop right now!

It fits perfectly in Xmas stockings.