Every now and then it’s good to take a bit of time off. To walk away from the office and the laptop and the emails, switch off your phone, and cut yourself free. And that’s what Ignite is doing for the next couple of weeks. Running a small, independent publisher is a lot of fun, sure, but it’s a lot of hard work too (so it’s a big help when any of you tell your friends about us, and we really appreciate it). Anyway – what with one thing and another – recently we’d been running on fumes.
So, time for a little break. A bit of time off. A chance for us to recharge our batteries. And it’s not a moment too soon. With the publication of each of our books we’ve got better at promoting and publicising them, made new contacts, built on old ones, sought out new opportunities, done a little more networking. All of that means more work, more graft. Throw the relative success ofCity Baby into the mix – and our determination to make the most of it while it’s there, so raising the profile of all our books – and the result was that we got a little too close to driving ourselves into the ground. Which does no-one any good.
Right now, we’re reminding ourselves what it’s like to drift a little. To walk down the streets of a city you don’t know, where all the faces are faces of strangers, where each day is a blank page, beautifully unwritten, for you to do what you want with. To spend time sitting in cafes, wandering round museums, nipping into pubs, and getting blown every which way by storm-force winds. It’s delightful.
We’ll be doing that for a little while longer. Because life isn’t just about making sales.*
*note: if any of you are worrying about what this means for your orders… relax. We’ll be fulfilling those as promptly as ever. We’re just enjoying a little time out.