spring clean

Stuck inside Ignite Villas – as a cold, grey, wet Spring dragged on and on and on – we took a look at this website and realised it needed something of a refresh. A revamp. A polish and a wave of the cyber-duster across over-cluttered shelves. Above all, our shop plug-in was urgently in need of updating and a little TLC. So we set to work. Or rather, we asked a couple of people with the relevant skills to get to work. If we’d have been involved, the shop would now be accepting payments in groats and half-eaten turnips, and even we know that’s probably not the way forward.

Take a stroll round the site now, and you’ll see that pages have been brought up to date. Using the shop is a great deal easier than it was (thank god) and a lot more intuitive, too. And now we’ve finished running the hoover round the myriad nooks and crannies of the site, de-cluttered, and opened the windows to let the birdsong in, we can look forward to new additions and further improvements. Because yes, we have plans.

Take a look round. Buy a book or two. See what you think.

And we’re not saying that the sun came out and the weather improved because this website is now a thing of beauty, but we are saying we made this website a thing of beauty and the sun came out. You’re smart people – we’ll leave you to join those dots whichever way you want.