It’s been quite a weekend. TheCity Baby launch night at the Adam & Eve in Birmingham was one of those perfect nights it’s impossible to reproduce and which grows ever better with the telling. A packed pub, some great music, a lot of familiar faces, and a huge amount of fun. Our heartfelt thanks to Punks Alive for allowing us to celebrate the publication of Ross’s book at their event. If the bar didn’t get drunk dry, it wasn’t for want of trying!
Thanks, too, to all those people who’ve bought the book and have dropped us a line to say how much they’ve enjoyed it. Time after time we get told I couldn’t put it down! That’s the highest compliment possible, and confirms what we knew already – that Ross has told a wonderful story, packed with anecdotes which’ll make you laugh out loud and searing honesty that might just bring tears to your eyes as well. Please, keep the feedback coming. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Next up, it’sRebellion Festivalin the Winter Gardens, Blackpool. You’ll find the Ignite Books stall in the Spanish Hall on Friday 9th August. At 3.30pm in the same venue, Ross will be chatting with John Robb aboutCity Baby, punk rock, and life in GBH. Copies of all Ignite’s publications will be on sale, and you’ll be able to pick upCity Babyfor just £10. If we can find him a pen, Ross will even sign it for you.
For those of you who didn’t make it to Friday’s launch, and who can’t make it to Rebellion, the only place you can get your hands on a copy ofCity Baby– for now – is the Ignite website. The only places we’ll supply with copies before the official publication date of October 1st are independent music and/or bookshops. As an independent ourselves, we want to see them thrive. So if you’ve one of those in your area, and they wantCity Babyin their shop, and they’re happy to deal with us direct, get them to email us we’ll do our best to make sure they getCity Babyon their shelves before Am**on muscle in. (they won’t get any copies before October)
And finally, a request. We think Ross has written a superb book, and one which deserves the widest audience possible. So, if you’ve readCity Babyand like it, please tell your friends about it. And if anyone reading this is a book reviewer for a major newspaper or magazine, or knows a book reviewer for a major newspaper or magazine…. do get in touch.