tick tick tock

It feels as though we’ve been sending copies of But after the gig… out in the post since the dawn of time. In fact, it’s just over three months. Amazingly, it’s still two weeks till this roustabout of a book is officially published. Really.

Our thanks to everyone who’s bought a copy so far, and to the people who’ve got in touch to say how much they’ve enjoyed it. We’re hoping to get some magazine reviews soon, but for now our favourite review is this one, from Jason:

I heard about Tezz’s book through a tweet by Ginger Wildheart when both Discharge & the Wildhearts played the Rebellion fest. Tezz’s story could be read by anyone who likes biographies of bands or band members, whether or not they like or have even heard of Discharge. The guy’s story is like no other. How he’s still alive is testament to his ‘pick yourself up & carry on’ attitude.  There’s stories which had me in tears of laughter when I’m thinking this shouldn’t be funny. People who live a life like Tezz’s rarely have a happy ending, yet here he is back in Discharge doing what he knows & loves best. Well done Tezz.

But after the gig… is on sale here.