Category Uncategorized

variety, spice, etc

There’s no such thing as an ordinary week for a small, indie publisher. Every time we log onto the laptop and check our emails, we find something unexpected and (occasionally) wonderful. It can be a manuscript sent in by a…

it’s a wrap

Our series of special offers on some of our titles in our start-the-year sale is now over. It’s been a great way to put more copies of our books in the hands of people who are going to enjoy them,…

every little helps

We’re already one week into 2025, the decorations have been packed away, the festive season is a fast-receding memory, and the sun – thank god – is shining. Winter is always better when the sun is shining.

 Here at Ignite…

still dancing

Last year, we published Dancing Barefoot: How to be Common by Glyn Brown. It’s an incredible book: a beautifully written memoir which lays bare the difficulties which come with living hand-to-mouth as a freelancer, and which are all the greater…

spreading the cheer

When it comes to the festive season, books are a staple present for friends and family. What to get that uncle, aunt, or cousin you see just once or twice a year? Socks or aftershave? That’s just insulting. A book?…

bah, and indeed, humbug

The clocks have gone back, the evenings are damp and dark, and winter is barrelling its way towards us. Supermarkets have had mince pies and lebkuchen on the shelves for months, the usual suspects are getting themselves in a righteous…

digital dogged

Sitting looking out of the windows here at Ignite Villas, watching the heavy thundery showers sweep in as the temperature plummets, it’s clear that summer has shuffled off and left us. A bitter-sweet time of year, if we’re honest. A…

back of the net

You’ve probably heard more than enough recently about the difficulties and challenges small presses are facing. So here’s a piece in praise of our successes, our small victories, the things we get right. After all, who doesn’t like some good…

spring clean

Stuck inside Ignite Villas – as a cold, grey, wet Spring dragged on and on and on – we took a look at this website and realised it needed something of a refresh. A revamp. A polish and a wave of…

treading the boards

One of the challenges for any author is getting yourself and your book in front of an audience you hope – you know – will want to spend their hard-earned cash on the literary gem you’ve crafted. Authors signed up…